Monday, August 20, 2007

Newton's Fourth Law: E=MTAS

I was always one of those who blindly believed in 'As GOD could not be everywhere, he created mothers'. Recent interactions with members of the fairer sex of my age however, have compelled me to think otherwise. How the hell did Sir Isaac Newton forget to publish the most important law?? The law about mothers in law!!! He thought it'd be better to make us poor school kids suffer in disgust with his Inertia, F=ma and action/reaction crap..huh! Anyway, since he forgot to mention about it in his lifetime, I thought I'd do the here it is--

Newton's Fourth Law of comMOTION:

If E=evil & If M=mother & If T=to & If A=a & If S=son, then

This law of course was made after n number of experiments performed by Sir Isaac Newton on his o number of girlfriends. He also laid down the several assumptions and limitations of his study; these are as follows--

1) The daughter in law believes that her husband stopped being a son the day he married her.
2) The husband has an irritating habit of bringing up the 'maa ke haath ka khaana' topic.
3) The mother in law can't help but dote on her son when she sees him after 6 mnths,yrs maybe.
4) The mother in law doesn't know that ur not her daughter!She keeps advising and suggesting.
5) Tiny gestures of respect seem like sacrifices to the daughter in law.

1) This law can't do full justice to situations where the mother in law also has daughters.
2) This law does not apply where the husband speaks!

1) The mother in law knows when she's crossed the line.
2) The daughter in law knows about the small things she shouldn't make fuss over.
3) The husband knows when to let it go and when to act, be it the mother or the wife.
4) The mohter in law or the daughter in law is mature enough to know what to do.

Anyway, Sir Isaac Newton wrote this in his dying note: I thought I should also share this with all of you

"The reason I dit not publicize this law is because, even though, I had found enough empirical proof among the daughters in law to hypothesize that most mothers in law are evil in general, I can't seem to find a single man who thinks this way about his mother in law. This makes me think of some irrational anomaly which took place in these experiments. I'm leaving these findings for you to decide whether the law should be in the books or not. Think it over!!"

--Isaac Newton see, he wasn't just all about the mass, force and reaction it seems. May he rest in peace.

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