Monday, August 06, 2007

Adnan Sami's loss is Sabah's Gain...

...reads a recent ARTICLE published in the Times of India. Now, I'm very happy for Adnan Sami, who's not only looking better but has also increased his living days quite substantially. And I'm really happy for him that he won his life's love back. But, something about this just doesn't seem right to me. Here is a woman, who walked out on her husband, because he was fat??, who wasn't there for him when he needed her the most, but nobody has to say anything!!!. Forget walking out on a marriage; if a man were to even mention the fact that his wife is fat, he would be getting brickbats from every which way.

I'm all for equality of gender, in fact I even support women having superior rights, but this is absolutely insane! Reservation for women, free schooling, curbing female infanticide cases, their inclusion in armed forces/police is all very good. A woman is the President of India now, and I'm really very happy. I cannot, however, digest something without any objectivity whatsoever. Recent court rulings have made culprits out of men who walk out on a live-in relationship, even penalised them. What the ****!!!! Doesn't the idea behind a live-in relationship say that if it's not working we shall part ways? Isn't it a decision made by two consenting adults? Why is the man the scapegoat then? It's not as if she was a daddy's little girl who was lured into this by an evil male.

I've seen cases where women have manipulated the rulings/laws to extort!! money from their in-laws. Is that what women want to be? Is that what our Government wants? Another recent ruling says a man has to take permission from his wife to smoke..not just at home...anywhere! This isn't a bad ruling as such, but I would also like to see a ruling which adds a 'vice versa' clause to it. I' haven't gone through the details, but as far as I can tell, if you even so much as raise you voice against your wife/sister/daughter, it's a punishable offence now. We are humans!! We raise our voices whenever we are agitated, we even raise our voice against our own parents sometimes...don't we? It's all very good for the unfortunate women who are subject to domestic violence. But more than doing any good, these pathetic rules have become a nuisance for our so-called modern society. I have even witnessed some boards saying "Council For Oppressed Men" contact at this number It sounds funny... but it gives us a preview of what's to come. The founding of women's liberation was equality of gender, not making manipulative greedy monsters out of insane women. I know, most women aren't like that, but quite a few are and I've been witness to the utter humiliation of men and their parents at the hands of canniving women. Some might deserve what you're getting, that it's payback time for all your evils for all these years.I'll say I pity you! and I pity the way you think. We are not responsible for what happened to women in the old ages, and what's still happening to women in the uneducated/uncivilized parts of our society. We do feel bad, yes!, but how could you hold us responsible for something we didn't do. If your neighbor's dog bites you, would you get back home and shoot your own dog?? I don't take pride in the fact that it was a man who built the Taj Mahal for his dead wife, so don't you dare ask me to take responsibility for a stupid old king keeping 36 women in his harem a gazillion years ago.


Anonymous said...

look dear all i wud like to say is that the law has been made for the common man/woman n not for those 10% exceptional cases. u maybe right that women takes advantages of such rights but always remeber that for every 1000 dowry cases, there will 5 cases where the woman is on the wrong side and as for asking for premission frm wife before u inhale those cancer sticks, well in india the % of women smoking is few n far between..but i guess i do support ur vice-versa concept.

Unknown said...

I think I made it pretty clear that I was NOT talking about that section of the society. You tell me something.. I don't know if you are a woman(as you chose to be ANONYMOUS)..would you have married into a family that asks for dowry? No right? The problem with these rulings is very obvious, as I see it. Most women living in backward areas can't take advantage of any of these. They can't afford lawyers or are just too scared to do anything either. What's happening is that modern women, actually the women who call themselves modern are taking advantage of this..and not in a good sense. Rulings like holding a man responsible for the break-up of a live-in relationship will not help the under privileged women. It is something that needs to be dealt at the ground level first.Not like this! But that's just my viewpoint, I'm not asking anybody to agree with me.