Thursday, June 28, 2007

Lateral Thinking

A father and his son are involved in a car accident, as a result of which the son is rushed to hospital for emergency surgery. The surgeon looks at him and says "I can't operate on him, he's my son". Explain.....

Credit to the original problem maker:)


the mad momma said...

his mother dodo!!

the mad momma said...

by the way i tagged you for a music post. do it.

Unknown said...

why u calling me a dodo???I asked the question..chalo I'll find something else for you...let's see if u can do it this time!! eh? How the hell am I supposed to tag you? I don't do any children/mommy write-ups. You are on my link list BTW...anyway I'll see what I can do about this too

the mad momma said...

you've known me for 15 years and you think i can write on nothing but babies???!!!!!!! i am disappointed in you!