Monday, July 16, 2007

Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix: The Review

This has been my least favourite Potter book to date. So, naturally, I wasn't expecting to be bowled over in any case. This book merely represented some events which helped the story progress and it isn't even remotely as satisfying as the other Potter books, esp. Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire. Anyway, let's get on with the movie review now. Let's get over with the cons first; very little info was given on why Harry had those weird dreams and saw through Nagini's eyes, this was not helpful for people who are not familiar with the books. I had to keep explaining stuff to my wife all the way. Harry's Occlumency lessons with Severus Snape should have had more screen time. The Death Eaters' use of the Imperius and Cruciatis curses on Harry's friends in the climax was totally wiped out. How on Earth could they forget to include Voldemort's use of Avada Kedavra on Dumbledore?? That's so important!! to the storyline. Finally, this one's not a big con but I would have liked to see more of Kreacher's cursing:)

Now, on to the pros; The sets and effects are awesome. The first sequence with the Dementors was very well shot, and it was quite scary actually. The recreation of the Department of Mysteries was mindblowing!! The climactic battle was also very well shot. The parts where Harry prepares Dumbledore's Army were also very well executed and the bonding between Harry, Ron and Hermione really shines through as always.

And last but not the least, Daniel Radcliffe has finally started acting!! Rupert Grint has moved on to being 'decent' and Emma Watson, well, she's a star!!Daniel looks more Harry with long hair though:)Speaking of characterization, Dolores Umbridge was perfectly done, I don't know the actress' name, pardon me. On the whole, it wasn't a letdown but nothing too memorable either like the first, second and the fourth movies. But as I said, this is my least favourite Potter you're opinion might differ. The movie is still a must watch though...every Harry Potter movie is:)

Overall rating: ***
Movie Info

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